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Part 1 - The Invasion

Chapter 1

Captain is getting through. 50/50 chance of passing through safely. Dialogue between AI and captain. “It’s happening.” He’s unsure and thinks to himself. “but we go through it.They’re going to Pluto to invade And And they’re running low on spore. The first thing they would have built is the security module and the slaves - the Plutonians have gone way, way, too far. As long as they’re 50km away, they should be safe

The drone specialist of the pirates, once they have no activity, set up into geosynchronistic orbit - they can’t be detected. It’s an eye in the sky. A couple of snipers take position on the hill.
It' A trail is laid of ice fungi that the ice-roly-polys love. A dozen guys in on the attack ambush, and they pounce on em.

One gets shot. The idiot commander.

“Why’d you fire the roly polys?” “I don’t know man, we just did it…..duh.”

Obviously the pirates have a lot of freakout, the dumb guards shoot the

Hit it against the sensor, door opens.

The Head Of Security. Also an idiot. T thinks the stupid guards are breaking protocol. - Hhe’’s wrong. A dozen pirates are standing on-guard and prepared.

Diamond Beard squints.

Head of Security quakes in his boots. He orders security to stand down. Unsurprisingly, nepotism is no replacement for competence.

The element of surprise is used to make big moves - they have more air control, because they’re only ones with the battle hard ship.

The ice polys stood in a little group away from where the pirates’ ship had landed. Their crew approached the ice poly circle, led by Captain Diamondbeard

A lot of the action scene you just described could be narrated by comms coming in on the bridge, the soldiers are reporting back.

All of the pirates heard a voice in their heads as they climbed out of the crater, “hello, we are oppressed and the spore suggests you are allies…”

It was all heat, flash, and whirlwind. And the battleship exploded.

These assholes were just bragging about how much spore they had, and it was scheduled for departure - how narrow-sighted they were. So much spore, so much arrogance. Now they have neither. And that’s not all. The ground shakes, their cocktails spill, and smoke billows up.

This was his crowning jewel to the legacy he spent these months building. Officers running, bureaucrats scrambling - but it’s too late.

Chapter 2

AUGUST 13th 2021

The alarms have started to go off. The warship has blown up, the signal is ruined - but whereas the imperialists don’t have their way of contacting Earth, some members still have access to back-up escape ships. Our pirates are already on their way out - but they’ve got a tail. The pirates crew is on edge - our captain is too confident given the risk, they think. Yet in his eyes he is envisioning something far more hopeful.

Some to reinforce the mines, some to go to the security station. The mines are vacuum protected - the imperialists open the door, the slaves get to work, and the door is sealed when the day is done. Such plans do not fare well with the pirates - with assurance there will be no casualties, the doors had been blown off before the pirates’ getaway. The depressurising is not something to take lightly - and henchman’s eyes popping out Total Recall style won’t be taken lightly in their last painful moments either. But, revolution was never without a few eggs broken.

Some eggs get scrambled - and the captain is scrambling for the right button to deal with the escape ships tailing them on their escape - he is screwed right now, and his technology has been fried. Dogfights make no sound in space.

The captain’s knowledge of the reified Solar Tzu’s Art of War fares well in theory - but in practice, the captain has hardly seen enough battles to deal with what he is faced with today. Wars are better won, but soldiers are better alive - and with the captain knowing that his missiles mean less than his survival, he launches almost all of them in his last bid to get somewhere safe - for now. One last boost to save a weary captain’s weary soul.

But, there’s nowhere else but down. If the captain had any wits about him, the Imperial Headquarters was the last place he’d crash. But, in the captain’s luck, the infrastructure and collective ease of the imperials is severely weakened. If he can find some crew members to aid him on what might be a stand-off, he might have a chance. The imperials have nothing but their handguns, whereas they assumed their tech was all-powerful.

Diamond Beard opens a dialogue, and the Imperials hear him speak upon noticing him leaving his wreck;

“We’re not trying to kill you, but you’ve abused people in this solar system for far too long. We’re going to free the slaves, and we’re going to give the spore to everyone who needs and deserves it.”

The captain gives them a chance to come to a truce.

We’re going to work something out,” - the CEO lies.

Of course, the CEO plans for an ambush - but their tech hardly works at this point. THE CEO is slimy and conniving but still severely weakened. The Captain, eyes still gleamy with that hope he is envisioning, had but a fair chance still.

Chapter 3

20th August 2021 - Parley?

NOte: CEO chose the life of the harsh world of centralised business in this flashback. The captain has chosen chivalry and emotional maturity and Robinhoodness with what he’s been through.

20th August 2021 - The Truce

An obnoxiously fancy dining table - one of the few recovered. The CEO has more legs of meat and fancy space champagne than he knows how to keep down. Diamond Beard eats reservedly, of course. The pirate captain didn’t always go the straight way, but he knew when enough was enough. The CEO tears another joint of meat like no-one’s watching.

“You know, you’re not so bad yourself, Diamond Beard.” he quaffs, hardly keeping his mouth closed.

The Captain shows clear disgust. The captain takes his time with eating food, knowing himself he should never be a glutton. But - you can’t double cross on an empty stomach.

“You know,” the CEO continues with a hidden touch of smug, “you really figured out a good strategy to getting on this planet, collateral and all,” he brazzenly laps up a spoonful of black stew, “I’m really surprised. You know, you could do well working for us, with your skill set and engenuinity. Would you like some?”

The Captain is signalled to the black stew. It’s the finest food and drink on the planet. The Captain knows the chance to eat like this again wouldn’t come around for a long time, if ever. The Captain stays silent.

The CEO holds a friendly smile, but his eyes dance with a scheming.

“Or maybe some pie? Our dessert here is the best in the quadrant, I would add - they just make it so good.” One signal and pie is immediately placed on the table, like it stares at Diamond Beard.

“Or some wine? You look parched and have had a rough couple of days.”

“My water is plenty, thank you.”

“Suit yourself,” the CEO seethes.

Away in the distance, a security guard opens a closet. A red hair earring falls out, made of silver. The guard closes the door in shock, and the CEO, upon noticing the strange reaction of the guard, gets back to the Captain.

“But I will have this,”

The Captain takes out a cigar - one from the CEO’s inventory earlier. He won’t accept gifts, but no normal pirate wouldn’t be without picking up some loot.

Chapter 4

27th August 2021 - The Smoking Room

“What’s your attitude?”

“What attitude?”

“We’ve known each other most of our lives now. I know how you think, I know how you’ve looked up to me. What did you think your little plan would actually accomplish, besides me crushing you under my thumb?”

The CEO lights his cigar confidently with a striking match, looking off, as though the Captain wasn’t even there.

The Captain has other ideas, and stares waringly into the distance too, a poker-face more authentic than the charlatan Chief Officers. Why the CEO has an ego so inflated to warrant this kind of abuse escapes the Captain’s reasoning.

The CEO goes from fake smugness, to frustration, to concern.

“Why won’t you speak back to me?” The CEO snaps in hesitation masked as control.

From conflict to explosion. The Captain throws his cigar down to an explosive device concealed in his holster. The Captain’s plan to bamboozle the CEO with smoke and mirrors do not work, for the CEO understands and as he is much more physically strong, is on our Diamond Beard with eyes now like a hawk. However, the CEO collapses without warning, and a meek man in rags introduces himself from the shadows.

“Who are you?” asks the Captain.

“I’m Trident. I poisoned his cigar earlier. I was waiting for the effects long enough to take hold.”

“Even these cigars? I thought these Pluto-Weed cigars were pre-rolled?”

“This is true, but I was the roller.”

The Captain’s eyes widen.

“And talk about being caught with your pants down!” a voice from the door shouts.

In walks a young lady with red hair and a pantless pirate with one earring missing.

“Long Johnson Silver! Where have you been?”

“Enough of these reunions, gentle pirate-men. If you want to survive, you must follow me, for I know the innerworkings of this whole corrupt system’s tunnels.”

Chapter 5


Trident leads the two pirates through a darkened tunnel. They’re going to SPORE BAR.

“I’ve been a slave for thirty years here. I’ve been planning an escape but not without my fellow slaves. There are 52 main tunnels each with 18 offshoots, and they connect directly with the main hub and allow for efficient travel.”

Diamond Beard stares.

“Are you even listening to me right now?”

Diamond Beard notices the Space-Weed is starting to kick in. He can’t feel his legs. An invisible headband is wrapped around his cranium.

“I need to know if you can focus on what I’m saying, Sir.”

“Do they serve pizza in these tunnels?”

Trident stares silently in disbelief.

“How high are you?” Long Johnson Silver asks.

“I’m good, how are you?”

There is more silence.

“But I must say, do they serve pizza in these tunnels?”


NOTES: Yeah maybe the crew are drinking also. If the captain and ceo are having a few maybe the crew are allowed also? I don’t know! If the captain celebrates the crew do to.

crew on stand by. long john is was trying the CEO's Assistant(who was trying to kill long Johnson)

they interrupt the meeting and trident is trying to get the captain and crew out of there

August 17, 2021 ~ 35.0768305, -106.5958213

There ain’t no party like a pirate party ~ because a pirate party don’t ship, see?

We’d had the ship for as long as I could remember, and although it was on paper as Voyager Esi 43512, the boys and I called it Sarasota’s Revenge. Can you believe that 37 of us are from the Floridian Sector? Sure, that leaves another 462 troops, but when you think about that Ihatov Intergalactic is pulling from, well, the intergalactic community, CB